Menagrie for Discord
Connection Error identification and tracking for Destiny 2, all within Discord. No Bungie API required.
In a Nutshell: Menagerie is a chat bot built for the Discord chat client for use by players of Destiny 2, developed by Bungie, Inc. Menagerie was designed as a support to for players for when the API experienced issues due to high load or maitenence. Menagerie allows players to understand the error codes they encounter during gameplay and how to alleviate issues.
Technical Aspects Required figuring out what language would be best for the job (JavaScript), understanding what elements of the Discord API would be used, establishing an update pipeline, and working out how to get the bot hosted and running 24/7.
Reason for Starting this Project As you might’ve guessed, I’m a big fan of Bungie’s Destiny series. Menagerie was developed when Bungie were having serious issues with certain errors plaguing players on the East Coast of the United States and in Europe from 2019-2020. (The root cause ended up being some routing with Valve’s Steam servers. That specific issue was fixed over Summer 2020.) Menagerie was basically my answer for the question, “what happens when Bungie’s API and website are down for maintenance at the kickoff of an expansion, and players are getting errors as the game’s being fired up again?” How about an easy to use, no frills, bot for Discord servers of all sizes to help players out until comes back up?
Goals for this Project: The goal of this project is honestly just get it out of the door before the release of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, the newest expansion of Destiny 2, releasing November 10. At the very least, it’ll see use by my Destiny 2 Clan, and hey, maybe it blows up. Who knows. Depending on the success of the project, Menagerie 1.0 may see future expansion with other features, such as linking Raiding strategies or something.